Miquel Missé
Sociologist and trans activist
Consultant and trainer in the field of sexual and gender diversity policies. His interests focus on the promotion of a plural and critical trans culture, as well as the dissemination of references with diverse and transformative gender experiences. To this end, he is involved in various lines of work ranging from research, pedagogy and the generation of projects in which education, culture and thought are intertwined.
Together with Gerard Coll-Planas, he has edited the book El género desordenado: críticas en torno a la patologización de la transexualidad (Egales, 2010) and, with Pol Galofre, Políticas trans. Una antología de textos desde los estudios trans norteamericanos (Egales, 2015). He is also the author of the book Transexualidades, otras miradas posibles (Egales, 2013) and A la conquista del cuerpo equivocado (Egales, 2018).